What to Expect

Our 200 hour training will provide an in depth study of yoga philosophy and foundations of teaching.  Experience how yoga philosophy applies to every day life, how to safely lead a live yoga class in any setting and become part of a community that will support and grow with you.  The SHINE training will take place over six weekends (Friday nights and Saturdays). The SHINE leadership team will work closely work with you through the entire process.

Schedule for
Training →

Schedule for Training →

Seats are Limited. Hurry and get your seat before it closes!

2023 First-Half Training

January 27 to June 17th

The students and our leadership team will meet once a month on a Friday evenings from 4p to 10p and Saturdays from 8a to 8p.

2023 Second-Half Training

July 1 to Dec 10

The students and our leadership team will meet once a month on a Friday evenings from 4p to 10p and Saturdays from 8a to 8p.


Few of my Articles about Yoga, Life and Health